The 12th Disciple Prayer Session Site

Thank you for visiting “The 12th Disciple Prayer Session” website. This website was created on December 24, 2015, to provide God the opportunity to manifest His presence through “supernatural” answered prayers. This website encourages all faiths and denominations to form teams of 7 disciples. Each disciple will submit seven prayers and have faith that God will direct him to select one prayer from each disciple’s “prayer deck” that will bring God the most glory. If seven faiths form seven teams and among the 49 prayers submitted by each team, there is a prayer for rain, this website would have achieved its objective if God answered the prayer for rain, but only one of the seven teams had this prayer selected by all seven members in the team. This “supernatural” sign is expected to confirm God’s grace and commitment to continue to bear witness with the same power He demonstrated years ago when Jesus walked on earth.

My definition of a supernatural event is an event where God’s presence is manifested by causing an event to occur that, if not for His intervention, would have had a very low probability of occurring. Today, with the current breadth of knowledge in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and other sciences, the number of people who would classify an event to be supernatural is far less than 2,000 years ago.

The 12th Disciple Prayer Session website will have achieved its objectives if God agrees to manifest Himself through the answered prayers on this site and make an ordinary prayer for healing a headache with an aspirin a “supernatural” event that glorifies one God and guides mankind to the faith(s) or denomination(s) that please God.

The following table was prepared using the binomial probability formula. It shows the probability of multiple disciples selecting the same answered prayer from the list of seven prayers submitted by one disciple.

A person sitting on top of a mountain with their hands in the air.
The probability of selecting the same prayer God answered 7 times is -->~ 1 out of 1 million prayer sessions (1.214 out of 1 million)
The probability of selecting the same prayer God answered 6 times is -->~ 5 out of 100 thousand prayer sessions (5.1 out of 100 thousand)
The probability of selecting the same prayer God answered 5 times is -->~ 9 out of 10 thousand prayer sessions (9.18 out of 10 thousand)
The probability of selecting the same prayer, God answered 4 times is -->~ 9 out of 1 thousand prayer sessions (9.18 out of 1 thousand)
The probability of selecting the same prayer God answered 3 times is -->~ 6 out of 1 hundred prayer sessions (5.508 out of 1 hundred)
The probability of selecting the same prayer God answered 2 times is -->~ 10 out of 50 prayer sessions (9.914 out of 50)
The probability of selecting the same prayer God answered 1 time is -->~ 20 out of 50 prayer sessions (19.828 out of 50)
The probability of selecting the same prayer God answered 0 times is -->~ 17 out of 50 prayer sessions (16.996 out of 50)

Example The 12th Disciple Prayer Session

Peter is searching for the 12th Disciple Prayer Session team that is still open as it has not acquired seven disciples. From the website, Peter accesses the "List of Open Teams" to find a team that has the faith and denomination he is willing to represent. The list includes the prayers submitted by each disciple, team faith, denomination and whether the team is public or anonymous. Anonymous teams are not expected to have valid names for their disciples. The "List of Open Teams" does not display the email or Facebook username for each disciple. Peter is able to filter the list by team type, faith, denomination, and/or team name. Search For Prayer Team
From the website, Peter accesses the "Team Entry Form" page. On this page, Peter is able to enter the team type, team faith, denomination and team name for the team he has selected to join. He completes the entry form by entering seven prayers, a Facebook username, and an email address. After clicking on the "Submit" button, Peter's team entry is emailed to the Team Request Department of This department will verify that the prayers are distinct, and that there is no profanity or language that would offend other teams. If Peter's entry form is accepted, his entry will continue to appear in the "List of Open Teams" until the team he joined has acquired seven members. Team Entry
If The 12th Disciple Prayer Team Peter joined has seven members, the 49 prayers in seven prayer decks are replicated seven times to create 49 prayer decks. Each deck is shuffled. The 12th Disciple Prayer team and all prayer decks are saved in an Excel spreadsheet protected by a randomly generated password to prevent anyone from identifying the location of the shuffled prayers to force a result that would favor their team. After shuffling all the prayers in all 49 prayer decks, emails are sent to all team members requesting one prayer selection from each of the seven disciples' prayer decks. The email will contain a PDF attachment with all 49 prayers so that the disciple can review the prayers and seek God's guidance in selecting the seven prayers that would give God the greatest glory. Shuffle And Request Prayer Selections
The 12th Disciple Prayer Session does not start until all seven disciples have emailed their 7 prayer selections. Each prayer selection is a number that defines the position of the prayer selected in the shuffled deck of prayers for one member of the team. After all prayer selections have been recorded in the spreadsheet, emails are sent to all members of the team announcing the start of the prayer session. The email for each disciple includes an attached PDF file showing the 49 prayers submitted by the team and the prayer selection numbers the disciple submitted. The disciple is requested to reply to this email when the first of their prayers is answered. Only the first prayer answered is recorded as the prayer of all The 12th Disciple Prayer Session members, for God to select the ONE prayer from each deck that gives the greatest glory. This rule also prevents the potential fraud of all members of a prayer team reporting all 49 prayers answered in an attempt to generate a false report of 7 answered prayers with 7 hits each. Select Prayers And Start Session
The 12th Disciple Prayer Session continues for seven days, or until all seven members of the prayer team have each reported their first answered prayer (whichever occurs first). In this hypothetical example, there are four answered prayers. After entering all answered prayers in the spreadsheet, an email is sent to all members of the team announcing the end of the prayer session with prayer session results on the "Completed Sessions" page. Enter Answered Prayers And End Session
The "Completed Sessions" page is updated to show the results of Peter's The 12th Disciple Prayer Session. This web page will track the results of all The 12th Disciple Prayer Sessions for all faiths and denominations. The page provides filters to restrict the list and an option to sort the list. Updated Completed Sessions List